Frag Out! Magazine

Frag Out! Magazine #39

Frag Out! Magazine

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Page 15 of 107

It was 3.40 PM on November 15th when something exploded in Przewodowo, a small municipality in the Hrubieszów district. The members of the local community have heard two explosions. One of the farmers recorded a brief video clip that depicted a pillar of black smoke seen in the distance. Back then, the incident had a very local profile. The drama unfolded at a grain drying/storage facility, located remotely away from other buildings. The deployed firemen expected a fire caused by the fumes coming from the stored grain. When they arrived, it turned out that none of the buildings were damaged, but something strange happened near the set of scales used to settle the transactions by and between the facility owner, and the grain suppliers. Text: Marcin Ogdowski Design: Wooki Frag OUT! Team Missile Incident: A Scare and Inspiration for Discussing the Quality of the Polish IADS.

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