Frag Out! Magazine

Frag Out! Magazine #39

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countries as possible, to promote the team's mission - „Peace, Love, and Aviation" - and also to promote Jordan, and the Jordanian Air Force. Before the season begins, the Extras are loaded onto a C-130 Hercules, then they are transported to Europe, assembled, and readied for the European demonstrations. The aircraft returned home after the display season in an analogous manner. The Royal Jordanian Falcons have an expansive fanbase, and they attract a lot of attention in Europe, being a unique, well-performing team. Pilots with a positive attitude, well- maintained, and well-performing aircraft, and openness all make any display they fly a pleasure to the eye. This year's RJFs Tour will not visit Poland, but the team would attend nine other air shows in Europe - including Slovakia, Belgium, England, Ireland, France, and Germany. Flying that takes place in Jordan also takes place in weather conditions, and with views very much different from those in Europe. High temperatures, and flying in the mountains mean that turbulent air is frequent. The views from above, however, are enough to forget any discomfort. The ancient rock city of Petra, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World is also located here - we could not have omitted that location, planning the air- to-air shoot in the upcoming days. The airspace around Petra requires special permits issued by the Air Force, but the RJF team handled all of the formalities surrounding our sortie. Witnessing four red-gray-gold Extras and Petra in the background, and the surrounding dark and sandy mountains explain why the RJFs have chosen this special paint scheme for their aircraft. The aircraft seem majestic here. After a few passes, we planned a shot of the whole team with Petra in the background. One needs to admit that the skill of the pilots is useful when flying in the proximity of rocky terrain, and when pinpointing specific locations hidden deep within the mountain range. Flight over Aqaba and the Arab Gulf has also been a highlight of the shoot. Here we have decided to focus on the urban landscape, and the dynamic maneuvers, such as loops or breaks. Even though Extra is not an easy photoship to work with, with the canopy being low, and freedom of movement limited, it offers a different advantage - one can easily follow the formation during loops, barrel rolls, or even fly inverted, which makes taking photos easier. This, and the perfect backdrop - a sea resort, and the sea itself - made the photo sortie an undoubtedly fruitful experience. All good things must come to an end. The same goes for the visit at the RJFs base - or does it really? In early July the team will visit an air show in Slovenia. The pilots also hope to meet the Polish audience during this year's tour and to visit Poland in the upcoming years. Meanwhile, we may witness the rehearsals and the shots taken over Jordan, planning our visits to European air shows this year! The author would like to thank Canon Polska, Proclub, and CamCam for their support.

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