Frag Out! Magazine

Frag Out! Magazine #13

Frag Out! Magazine

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tekst: Anna „Villemo" Biadun STORY: Michał SitarSki, Piotr WalerySiak, Marcin kordek PHOTO: FraG oUt! neither arc'teryx brand nor itS leaF line For Military and laW enForce- Ment USerS don't need introdUction to anyone Who iS into tactical Gear. canadian coMPany iS recoGnized by their FUnctional and aeSthetic deSiGn and qUality PieceS oF eqUiPMent and UniForMS bUilt FroM the toP- notch FabricS. Frankly, hiGh, even very hiGh Price taG iS FolloWinG it. iS it Worth PayinG hardly earned Money For clotheS With deadbird on it?

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