Frag Out! Magazine

Frag Out! Magazine #13

Frag Out! Magazine

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Page 113 of 237 M S B S 40 mm under-barrel grenade launcher take two Raising lot of emotions, the Polish msBs-5,56 modulaR Rifle family PRogRam is now stePPing into final Phase of Realization – any moment it is going to Be tested in the militaRy, and at the Beginning of the 2018 weaPon suPPosed to Be in the Polish aRmed foRces aRsenal. one element of the msBs system is 40mm undeR- BaRRel gRenade launcheR, which cuRRent foRm is diametRically diffeRent fRom the one PResented in the Past. Story: Michał SitarSki Photo/ illuStrationS: FB łucznik-radoM, Michał SitarSki, BartoSz Szołucha

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